Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, a timeless and iconic story.

How Fullmetal Alchemist and Brotherhood Are Different

Every time I think of this show, I recognize something even more beautiful than I did the time before. I procrastinated around doing this post for so long, because I had to make sure I was in the proper headspace (yes, it’s that serious). I also had to think long, and hard (lol) about what exactly I wanted to shed light on. I’m actually feeling quite overwhelmed just trying to make my way through this introduction? FUCK. There are just so many thoughts ruminating in my mind. This post will DEFINITELY contain spoilers, so if you haven’t seen the show, exit. I know what you’re thinking…”He never does spoilers, wtf?!” I know…but there is no way to unpack this masterful storytelling without being specific. And with that being said, and without further ado, I bring to you, my review (that rhymed, bitch).

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, is the number 1 rated anime of all time (currently) and there is not a bone in my body that finds this shocking. All of you Naruto, AOT, and HunterxHunter fans can drink your fucking tears, because we all know that it’s true. Anyway– this story revolves around the pitied lives of young brothers Edward and Alphonse. These two tragically lost their mother, and have been trying to find a way to resurrect her. Upon this journey, Ed and Al attempt to use alchemy to bring their mother back to life, which led Ed to lost some limbs, and Alphonse to have his entire spirit bound to a metal entity. This show follows the two brothers along their journey of searching for a philospher’s stone, with the hope of getting their original bodies back. What these boys soon realize is that there are many people after a philospher’s stone, and the mysteries surrounding them are layered. This is not what Ed and Al bargained for, and they soon discover that not everything in their country is what it seems; and not everyone in their presence can be trusted. I could (obviously) go much more in depth with this plot, but frankly carpel tunnel is a bitch, and also, that’s what Google is for. Moreover, here are some of my key takeaways from this visual masterpiece:

The women in this series are dynamic.

While FMAB is still classified as shōnen, women do not take on secondary roles throughout this story. Women are central to every plot, twist, and turn. And even better–nothing felt forced or cliche. Here are some of a few characters worth highlighting…

Mei Chang

Fullmetal Alchemist: 10 Things Fans Still Don't Know About Mei Chang

The queen of Alkahestry herself, Mei Chang reigns as royal princess of Xing. Mei’s goal throughout the entirety of the series is to discover the secret to immortality. Throughout her character arc, we are able to see Mei’s incomparable martial arts, alkahestry and intelligence. Presenting as a small little girl, with a high-pitched voice, Mei defies common anime tropes, and becomes a key part in saving the citizens of Amestris. Without Mei, the ending of the show would not be possible (and that’s all I am going to say).

Winry Rockbell

FMA Brotherhood - Road of Hope screencaps - Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell  Image (7143569) - Fanpop

Winry is an automail mechanic, that grew up alongside Ed and Al. You will oftentimes find her throughout the series being the solution being Alphonse’s destroyed armor, or Edward’s damaged limbs. Winry, who is presented as a pretty girl (purposely) is a true independent, tomboy at heart. Winry’s passion is automail, while others objectify her. She very frequently holds Ed accountable, and very rarely falls victim to misogynistic tropes. Winry, like Mei, is genuinely kind. She has no interest in being anything but herself.

Olivier Armstrong

Olivier Mira Armstrong - Fullmetal Alchemist - Image #106630 - Zerochan  Anime Image Board

The Ice Queen, and leader of Briggs herself. From the moment that she appears on screen, Olivier is the true essence of a leader. To the point where the men under her actually refer to her as sir! Olivier always places herself on the side of justice, and fierce loyalty. She has no problem dirtying her hands in the name of protecting Amestris. Always having a plan B, C, and D, you can find Olivier making very pointed, and risky decisions. You will often hear her telling her men to blame things on her if they ever get caught, and to essentially save themselves. Olivier even goes as far as to ensure that if she dies, the Armstrong home will go to Colonel Mustang instead of her brother–showing the viewers that patriarchal politics are of no interest to her. A hearty, and ruthless fighter, and necessary character that keeps you glued to the series.

Izumi Curtis

Don't do something that'll hurt your soul." -Izumi Curtis :  FullmetalAlchemist

The no-nonsense queen herself! Izumi Curtis is a fucking badass. There’s just no way you can dislike her character. Izumi and her husband own a meat shop, but Izumi is also a brilliant alchemist. Ed and Al want to be come her apprentices, but at first Izumi refuses. She eventually gives in, and spends many months putting the brothers through a hell of a training. More or less, without Izumi there would be no Ed and Al. What’s even more badass? Izumi taught herself alchemy. YEP. You will find Izumi kicking ass all season long, and you will love every bit of it.

Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye

The essence of loyalty and integrity epitomized. As a fierce defender, and Amestrian soldier, Riza us the personal bodyguard of Colonel Mustang. Riza’s most likable quality is her dignity. If she must kill, she will do it with purpose. If she must feel remorse, she will sit with those emotions. Riza is also the crutch of Colonel Mustang— who can be extremely headstrong, and impulsive. Taking a twist on typical gender roles, Riza can be seen as the logical mind, while Colonel Mustang can be seen as the emotional mind. Riza is also a sharp fucking shooter. She may not be able to rock your alchemist world, but she will slide a bullet through your organs. Her unique abilities come in handy in saving many people throughout the show. I also like how balanced Riza’s character is, in that on her exterior she is firm, her Hayate brings out a more vulnerable side of herself.

Lan Fan

Ling Yao’s unequivocally loyal, and skilled bodyguard. Lan Fan is nothing less than a warrior. She has quite literally been through hell and back, and preserves through the end. She tip toes along the edges of death, loses a limb, and manages to still show up when it matters most. Like the other skilled warriors of Xing, Lan Fan can sense peoples’ chi, which gives her an extreme advantage in darkness. Lan Fan’s presence (similar to Izumi’s) is not consistent within the series, but her impact is omnipresent. Lan Fan is fearless—especially when it comes to Ling of Xing. She has taken on Edward, and also the homunculos gluttony.

I could honestly talk about the women in this series forever, but I will leave it here. The point is, women played an essential role in this story. Their arcs were neither thin nor futile. They were individuals with layered, and complex presentations. Honorable mentions to Maria Ross btw!!! Anyway….what else do I love about this series?

The Artistry of Cliffhangers

Unfortunately, even some of the most well written anime have a lot of filler episodes. Plot points are sometimes never finished. Mysteries finding themselves very predictable. I would argue that once you get to Part 3 of FMAB, each episode adds a new element of surprise. You will find yourself eager, possibly confused, yet highly intrigued at the end of each episode. This momentum builds up beautifully, all the way until the last episode. These cliffhangers were nothing less than artistic excellence, as they were NEVER poorly timed. The writers of the show knew exactly where to end each episode, also where to begin a new part. It was truly beautiful to watch. In my eyes there is just simply not one greatest episode, because they just get better and better as questions get answered.

Socialism is the answer!

Let’s fucking talk about it, lol. I knew from the beginning that I was fucking with the plot direction, because it relied heavily on exposing government corruption. The illusions and allegories throughout this series where at times subtle, yet powerful. Amestrian history is fucking dark, things got even more dark once we realized that many areas were pillaged in order to create a transmutation circle. The very obliviously loyal Amestrian soldier, mirrors the very blind American ‘patriot’. Fighting for something they don’t fully understand. Once the dark truths of the government are unraveled, it becomes the job of the people to revolt and overthrow King Bradley and his subordinates. The Elric brothers, and their allies can be found throughout the show advocating for saving the lives of all Amestrians. This ties into the fact that Ed refuses to use or create a philosopher stone himself, once he realizes the way in which they are made.

Scar’s redemptive arc.

When Scar first appears on screen, it is easy to hate him. He is savagely ruthless killer, whose only goal is to avenge his country of Ishval, after Amestrians have destroyed it. The show begins with Scar being seen as an enemy of state, kicking everyone’s fucking ass. Throughout very slow, beautiful, and intricate storytelling, this misunderstood Ishvalan begins to grow on you. Scar truly wants justice, but also seeks purpose. He wants to honor his brother as well. We watch Scar act with unwarranted loyalty toward Mei, and the Elric Brothers, as he helps defend innocent civilians against Father. There actually comes a point in the series where Scar goes from chaotic, to actually quite a levelheaded character. Scar is arguably the most complex character of the series. While a part of me wanted him to be evil, another part of me had no choice but to respect how symbolic his self-actualization was. As you all know by now, I also am a sucker for the cold male lead going soft trope, lol.

Young Alphonse, The Intelligent

I simply cannot put into words how dynamic Alphonse is, and frankly, it took me a long time to grasp it. At a certain point, I got towards the end of the series and I was like wow…Alphonse is this young, and this smart? Alphonse is strategic, while Edward is impulsive and reactive. There are many points in the show where Alphonse is two steps ahead of everyone else, and also uncovering convoluted parts of mysteries. Also worth noting is Alphonse’s ability to sacrifice at such a young age. Alphonse has sacrificed his body, his time, and even his soul. He has countlessly place himself on the frontline of danger for betterment of others. He is the character that you cannot hate. It’s rather fascinating honestly. The show very obviously wants the shōnen arc to center Edward, yet it really (when you think about it) centers Al getting his body back.

The Real MVP

Colonel Roy Mustang for fucking prez! Geez louise… Where do you even begin with this guy? Colonel Mustang is without a doubt the best character of the show. I mean just absolutely textbook, state of the art, well-written. Colonel Mustang is layered in all ways. He is deeply emotional, yet stern. Rigid, yet flirty. He has a violent past, yet a redemptive future. He is manipulative, yet caring. He knows the truth, yet he can keep it quiet until the time is right. Colonel Mustang’s character perpetually has the presence of, ‘I know something that you don’t,’ and that truly is the allure of his character. Roy is the leader of most successful operations within the show, and is an integral part of Father’s demise. Can we please circle back to Roy being layered? The Flame Alchemist himself, can snap into a killing fury. We saw this with Lust and Envy (both iconic scenes). Yet, we also see how Colonel Mustang is protective of his mother, Riza, and also hellbent on avenging Maes Hughes (RIP to a real one). We watched him beautifully, and passively take the Elric brothers under his wings, and almost protect them from afar. Roy is someone who never folds under pressure, and always has a plan D. I truly don’t know what’s more profound: his leadership or his flame alchemy. Either way, he is the unsung hero of this show!

Okay, honestly I could continue with my thoughts about FMAB forever. It’s just that great. I don’t usually have the urge to rewatch certain animes, but this one is just…different. It sits with you. Lowkey keeps you up at night thinking about how amazing it is. Special thanks to Erin and Kelli for putting me on many moons ago. I am forever indebted to your quality taste!

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